mobilis consulting - products
With the rapid growth in home delivery applications many customers consider using a logistics service provider. But what if you maintain your own fleet, or want something that is uniquely tailored to your business needs or your specific IT environments? That's where doorstepDelivery from Mobilis Consulting may help.
We offer a template home delivery application which can be tailored to the challenges of your business. The baseline software allows the loading of customer orders against a specific delivery route. At the store or delivery depot, barcodes on items or totes can be scanned to load these onto each van, rejecting any errors or miscans before the van leaves the store or depot. Drivers can then set out on their delivery route knowing that they have everything they need loaded onto their mobile computer or smartphone.
Once on the road the driver can update the system in realtime as each delivery is actioned. Successful deliveries can trigger notifications to be sent by email or text message as a confirmation. Similarly, delivery failures can be alerted and suitable action taken - for instance a subsequent delivery can be attempted on the same day or the delivery can be reschuled for a different one.
Optional route navigation can be enabled by linking with mapping services from leading providers such as Google Maps, Trimble Maps or Waze.
And once a route is complete the driver can return to the store or depot to conclude any housekeeping tasks, action auditing and security checks for returned items, and prepare for the next delivery route.
Benefits of doorstepDelivery
• Brings a powerful, fully featured and templated mobile delivery application to Android-based smart devices.
• Provides customers and business stakeholders with realtime delivery status information based on proven, scalable cloud technologies
• Rapid customisation possibly using Mobilis experienced software developers to fastrack your project delivery
• Integrate with your new or legacy IT systems.
• Extend or customise the solution to meet your changing business needs

Provide seamless tracking, traceability and navigation to customer delivery fleets
doorstepDelivery connects digital enterprises to their customers
Digital order delivery, direct to your doorstep