mobilis consulting - products
In today's mobile world the power of cloud computing are compelling. Built using the advanced Amazon Web Services platform, mobilisCloud solutions deliver flexible, secure, cost-effective and scalable solutions to organisations across the globe.
Benefits of mobilisCloud
• No capital expenditure needed
• Integration with mobile and enterprise applications
• Scalable from a single device to many thousands
• Advanced security as standard, plus automatic software updates
• Flexibility to customise functionality according to use cases.
• Industry-specific modules for retail stores and supply chains
• Real-time dashboard and custom reports
• Per-device pricing model, with distribution via Google Play store
• Native support for multi-language and currency
Whether you are running retail stores or managing supply chains, capturing and processing mobile transactions throughout your business is made quicker and easier using mobilis cloud. And coupled with our rapid application tools we can tailor the solution to meet your exact requirements - cloud computing for everyone.

Mobilis Cloud
Hosted or serverless cloud computing solutions for mobile enterprises